Welcome to the counter battle strike of nerves. Swirl into the epic battle counter war in a way to help release your king from the terrorist mafia gods criminals. Sneak into the walls of the castle, target the terrorist and attack the enemy army camps.
The app was originally created by Tribune Games Mobile Studios and it relates to the Action Games category. Anti-mafia Counter-Terrorist was downloaded and set up by over 50K users and its latest stable update was on Jan 6, 2017. The game is developed for users aged 17 and older, its overall rating is 4.1 on Google Play.
There are adverts in this application. Download the free installer of Anti-mafia Counter-Terrorist 1.0 and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app runs on Android devices 2.3 and higher. It's secure to download the app.