Welcome to the game Futuristic Robot Machine! You are transported back into the world of futuristic robots and machines you engulf the battle for the universe. Pile of various futuristic robots have arrived on the ground to capture it. Your futuristic robot car ready to go! Are you ready? Yes? Then, in front of the battle robots.
This application has been checked for viruses and it has been found totally safe. The app is developed by Bro and Bro Games and its category is Action Games. Grand Futuristic Robot Auto has been downloaded and set up by over 0,5M users and its most recent update was released on Nov 10, 2016.
The game is not recommended for users under the age of 10, it has been rated 3.6 on Google Play. There are in-app purchases and ads in this application. Download the .apk installation package of Grand Futuristic Robot Auto 1.0 that is provided for free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size is 44 MB and the app is built for Android 2.3 and higher.