v2. 0 release! Improve almost every thing! New online feature! Big war in New York! 5 stars tank game! Great graphic! 70 different Levels! Control your Tank against hundred of enemy tanks! Destroy all the enemies to survive. Upgrade your tank! Ultimate Laser weapon would help you! Tank vs New York!
Funcity Studio has designed GT Tank vs New York that falls into the Action Games category. The game has been downloaded and installed by over 1M users and the most recent update was released on Oct 24, 2014. On Google Play, this application has been rated 3.8 by its users.
Take into account its terms of use because there are in-app purchases and advertisements. The app is often downloaded by Samsung and Asus users. Use the opportunity to download the .apk installation package of GT Tank vs New York 2.5 for free and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installation package occupies 30 MB of disk space and it runs on Android devices 2.3.3 and higher.
The security report indicates that the app is totally safe.
Some users indicate that the weak points of this application are notification ads and screen freezes.