Valentine's Day today. Some freak coincidence, had been confined to the room! If you do not soon escape! Method of operation. There is an auto-save feature. Let's examine the place to be worried about on the screen in the tap. And movement is also that you can by tapping the arrow, or a specific location at the bottom of the screen.
Use the opportunity to get the .apk installation package of Escape Game 2.3 for free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installation package takes up 46 MB of disk space and it runs on Android devices 4.3 and higher. The antivirus report has confirmed that the app is totally safe for usage. NAKAYUBI CORPORATION is the creator of this application which can be found in the Adventure Games category.
Over 10K users downloaded the game and the most recent update was launched on Nov 19, 2019. People rated Escape Game 3.4 on Google Play. Advertisements are a part of the app.