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Guest #105811626, 1231231231
¿cuesta 6.00$? solo quiero el maldito juego
ta de buena
Eu gosto de minecraft mais preciso de uma versão completa !
It is cool so I want to play it.
I need a full version.
I like Minecraft: Pocket Edition!
Happy game in my life.
The best! The game is awesome.
I like it! It's like in the real life except shapes like cubes.:3
I've been playing this for 3 years and now I have this version!
It's a nice game.
I love it: it's the best t game in my tab, so good!
You have to pay.
The game is so good, I like it.
Minecraft is fun.
It is amazing.
The name: why can't it be the Notch game?
Please add Minecraft 0.9.0.
Please add a free Minecraft version.
Like a lot.
Minecraft management, please, add a free full Android-based version of Minecraft PE.