Best Paheli in Hindi. Paheli in Hindi contains different types of paheli with their answer in Hindi. Our Hindi "Best Paheli in Hindi" app content which is related to our daily routine life fun questions(riddles). Usually when we went to our villages will see the good moment with our relatives having fun discussion about paheli or Riddles. Best paheli. Nice Interface.
The antivirus report shows that this application is totally safe for usage. RB Apps & Games is the creator of the app that belongs to the Books & Reference category. People rated Best Paheli in Hindi 4.1 on Google Play.
The most recent update of this application was released on Sep 5, 2020 and the tool has been installed by over 1M users. The app has advertisements. Get the .apk file of Best Paheli in Hindi 20.0 free of charge and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This setup package takes up 6 MB on disk and it works flawlessly on Android 4.1 and higher.
As users indicate, the weak side of the app is too many ads.