Many companies today have a customer focus This implies that the company focuses its activities and products on consumer demands. In the consumer-driven approach, consumer wants are the drivers of all strategic marketing decisions. No strategy is pursued until it passes the test of consumer research.
The download of the tool is 100% secure. LearnProID has created this application that falls into the Books & Reference category. The developer rolled out a new version of Business and Marketing on Nov 5, 2019 and over 50K users downloaded and installed the app.
On Google Play, the tool is rated 4.4 by its users. There are advertisements in this application. Get the setup package of Business and Marketing 1.5 free of charge and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app can be launched on Android devices 4.2 and higher.
Users leave reviews saying that the weak side of the app is video ads.