Fazail e Amaal Urdu

Fazail e Amaal Urdu

47 MB
Requires Android:
2.3 and up
Dec 26, 2015
Latest version:
Free Download

Fazail e Amaal in Urdu or Fazail amal. Its urdu islamic book for muslims to learn islam and its values. It has Zoom in Zoom Out. Good Quality. Share with friends Option.

U Developers is the developer of the tool which can be found in the Books & Reference category. The developer rolled out a new version of the app on Dec 26, 2015 and over 100K users downloaded and set up this application. The average user rating of Fazail e Amaal Urdu is 4.8.

Advertisements are a part of the tool. This application is often downloaded by Qmobile and Samsung users. Get the latest .apk setup package of Fazail e Amaal Urdu 1 free of charge and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. You will need 47 MB of free disk space to install the app which is designed for Android 2.3 and higher.

According to the antivirus report, the app doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware.

Some users indicate that the weak point of this application is too many ads.

Permissions required by Fazail e Amaal Urdu v. 1

Commonly used:
  • Save files to external storage


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