DIC-o French - English and English - French off-line dictionary with pronunciations
The antivirus report reveals that this application is safe. DIC-o is the developer of the app that can be found in the Books & Reference category. French has been downloaded and installed by over 5M users and the most recent release is dated Apr 19, 2018.
The tool is not recommended for users under the age of 10, it has been rated 4.4 on Google Play. Advertisements are a part of this application. Samsung and HTC users install the app quite often.
A free .apk installation package of French 2.8 can be downloaded from Droid Informer and you can check out users' reviews on this site. Prepare 3 MB of free space on your device for this app installer.
In users’ view, you can face an elegant UI among the pluses of the app.