England became inhabited more than 800000 years ago, as the discovery of flint tools and footprints at Happisburgh in Norfolk has revealed. The earliest evidence for early modern humans in North West Europe, a jawbone discovered in Devon at Kents Cavern in 1927, was re-dated in 2011 to between 41000 and 44000 years old.
The download of the tool is 100% secure. HistoryofTheWorld designed this application that lies within the Books & Reference category. The developer released a new version of History of England on Sep 26, 2020 and over 10K users downloaded and set up the app.
The overall rating for the tool is 4.3 on Google Play. Take into account the important detail: advertisements are a part of this application and it offers in-app purchases. You are able to get the installer of History of England 2.5 for free and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app works fine on Android 4.0.3 and above.