Mbathi Sya Kumutaia Ngai

Mbathi Sya Kumutaia Ngai

2.5 MB
Requires Android:
4.1 and up
Oct 4, 2020
Latest version:
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The Kamba hymn book contains over 400 songs. These songs were written by men of God who were full of the holy spirit and for decades and decades, they have remained relevant. The power they bore is still evident even today. Today, many singers are just singing for money or for fun, but the writers of those songs were looking for a better city made by the Lord.

Get the installation package of Mbathi Sya Kumutaia Ngai 10.0 for free and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app can be launched on Android devices 4.1 and above. This application is totally safe for downloading. SmartBibles is the developer of the tool which can be found in the Books & Reference category.

Mbathi Sya Kumutaia Ngai was downloaded and installed by over 50K users and the most recent stable release was on Oct 4, 2020. On Google Play, the app was rated 4.1 by its users. There are in-app purchases and advertisements in this application.

Users leave reviews saying that you can face a wonderful interface among the pluses of the tool.


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