Welcome to the all-new sermon. Net app, where you can watch live and recorded services from thousands of Christian Ministries that use the Sermon Network. This app is ads-free, and sermon. Net is a non-profit with the mission of spreading God's Word online. To add your ministry or to listen online, both free, please visit us at.
The download of this application doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. Sermon.net is the creator of the app which can be found in the Books & Reference category. Users rated sermon.net 4.5 on Google Play.
The most recent update of this application was launched on Nov 17, 2018 and the tool was downloaded by over 50K users. The statistics demonstrate that the app is popular mostly among Samsung and Sony users. You are able to get the installer of sermon.net 1.1 free of charge and read users' reviews on Droid Informer.