Tamil Christian Keerthanai and Putheyluchi Padalgal application has 448 songs which is same as that of our Keerthanai and Putheyluchi Padalgal book in our churches. You can browse to a particular song by its number same as we do in our song book in our regular church service. You can search the song by its first letter too. Its an easy to use app and moreover like a book.
Download the .apk installer of Tamil Christian Keerthanai & Putheyluchi Padalgal 1.3 that is provided for free and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size is 2 MB and the app is developed for Android 4.0 and higher. This application was checked for viruses and it was found 100% safe. Hannah John created the tool that falls into the Books & Reference category.
The latest update of Tamil Christian Keerthanai & Putheyluchi Padalgal was released on Oct 6, 2018 and the app has been installed by over 50K users. This application has been rated 4.8 on Google Play. A number of users set up the tool on their Samsung and Micromax devices.
As users mention, you can notice such an advantage of Tamil Christian Keerthanai & Putheyluchi Padalgal as a clean interface.