Now you can quickly and easily redeem your customers' Travelzoo vouchers! Simply download this app and log in using your Merchant Center credentials. You can either scan a voucher's QR code, located on the bottom of the voucher, or type the voucher code and PIN number. The app will verify that the voucher is valid and display the details for you to review and redeem.
Travelzoo is the creator of Travelzoo Merchant that is related to the Business category. The tool has been downloaded and installed by over 5K users and the most recent update is dated Oct 7, 2020. The average user rating of this application is 4.
Download the setup package of Travelzoo Merchant 1.5.1 free of charge and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app runs on Android devices 5.0 and higher. It's secure to download the app.