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I am using this aap but my memorycard is damage problem data will be lost so please suggest me how to recover my data losted
Please tell me about when Vault will be installed into Android version 5 and phone will be upgraded. Now in Android version 6, Vault is not opened with the previous password.
Good app for hiding personal images and video.
1. Supports 100 SMS messages or pay $20 yearly. 2. Can't attach a photo to a private contact, unless the contact remains also in the public Contacts app which then puts the public contacts name on notifications in the Android status bar. 3. Selecting photos to make private is impractical if you have 100s of photos, because they can't be sorted by name nor by the folders they are grouped in. 4. Private photos can't be grouped nor organized in a folder hierarchy. 5. The only fields supported on private contacts are name and phone number!