Choose a card and try to remember it. Your phone will try to guess your card. At the end a card is shown with the back facing upwards. Click on it and the front will be shown, will this be your card? Amusing at school, sports or at the pub. Make your friends play this game and check if their minds can be read.
The security report indicates that the app is totally safe. Magic Card Trick has been originally designed by JeroenvanLogten and it refers to the Card Games category. The developer rolled out a new version of this application on Apr 25, 2013 and over 10K users downloaded and installed the game.
Google Play shows that the app is rated 3.2 by its users. Take the opportunity to get the .apk file of Magic Card Trick 1.2.0 free of charge and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The installer takes up 443 KB of disk space and it runs on Android devices 1.6 and above.