#1. Play Asia Best Card Game Online! Capsa Banting is an addictive and fun card game played all over the world. Start playing, add friends, grow your community and spend time with your family by playing this CHALLENGING and ADDICTING game. Anywhere Anytime! #2. Rules. 2-4 players in a game. Using standard deck of cards Each player is given 13 cards.
According to the antivirus report, this application doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. Indoplay is the developer of the app which can be found in the Card Games category. According to the latest info, Mango Capsa Banting is rated 3.3 on Google Play and can be legally used by people aged 14 and older.
The developer rolled out a new version of this application on Sep 30, 2020 and over 0,5M users downloaded and installed the game. Samsung and Oppo users highly appreciate the app. A free .apk installation package of Mango Capsa Banting 1.3.4 is available from Droid Informer and you can have a look at users' reviews on this site. Prepare 25 MB of free space on your device for this app installer and take into account that it requires Android 4.1 and above.
The way users see it, the app possesses such a disadvantage as small bugs.