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Many engrossing challenges and I like the design a lot.
Super game, love it a lot.
Marvel challenges are present liek from Guardians of the Galaxy and that was so funny. Want so more!
Better than any other truth or dare app. Worth downloading for sure.
Some of those challenges are from popular movies which really make this game perfect!
When my friends and I got a bit bored in a pub and then downloaded that pub category we had so much fun. Gosh never gonna forget it!
Adore the social category so much because real people come up with them.
Well designed and amusing challenges
Leaving my feedback because the Kick and Scream's support is awesome. Thank you.
The feature is the best thing I have ever seen in truth or dare mobile apps. Amazing.
Like the game and the challenges. Good job on categorizing them, waiting for more categories to come in the future.
It's just cool.
Excellent challenges, waiting for more cool updates to come.
Ha, it's so fun.
Great! Unexplainable.
Such a big stock of engrossing challenges! Very rare-love it!
Great, I love it!
Amazing game! I love this game it's so entertaining to play with friends or just with your lover it's just awesome.