Little Tailor

Little Tailor

30 MB
Requires Android:
2.3 and up
Jul 13, 2016
Latest version:

Become a fashion designer, star of your dreams. Are you ready to become stylist? There is a party at school in few days and the kids need their dresses to be ready before the party. Would you help these kids, there is chance for you to become the Stylist of your Dreams! It's time to get busy with those design skills you have!

According to the antivirus report, the game doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. Nutty Apps is the developer of this application which can be found in the Casual Games category. The average score for the app is 3.4 on Google Play.

Little Tailor has been downloaded and installed by over 1M users and its most recent update is dated Jul 13, 2016. Keep in mind ads and in-app purchases while downloading the game. This application is often downloaded by Samsung and Motorola users.

Get the latest .apk setup package of Little Tailor 1.3.3 free of charge and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. You will need 30 MB of free disk space to install the app which is built for Android 2.3 and higher.

Some users mention that the obvious disadvantage of the app is too many ads.


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