This application provides SIP Dialer, Callback service, other A2Billing customer portal features to android mobile users. Target: VOIP Service Providers. Features. SIP Softphone. G. 729 Codec Support. Call History. Calling Card Feature. Call-History From Server Side. Voucher Refill. Voucher Refill History. Balance display on Main Screen. Rate-Search Feature.
The antivirus report shows that A2Billing SIP Dialer is completely safe. This application has been originally developed by MobiSnow and it refers to the Communication category. On Google Play, the app was rated 3.7 by its users.
Get the free .apk file of A2Billing SIP Dialer 6.4.1 and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installation package occupies 10 MB on disk and it runs on Android devices 2.3 and higher.