Fastest Contact Caller Free

Fastest Contact Caller Free

64.76 KB
Requires Android:
2.2 and up
Dec 2, 2013
Latest version:
Free Download

Call 1-click all your contacts! You can add widgets to create as many shortcuts as you want on your desktop and call your contacts faster: 1 click: call the contact. 2 clicks: Sending a text message to the contact. 3 clicks: configuration shortcut. If you configure the shortcut without contact: 1 click: Call Manager. 2 clicks: sending a sms.

This application is developed by Walex and its category is Communication. The developer released a new version of Fastest Contact Caller Free on Dec 2, 2013 and over 0,5K users downloaded and installed the app. Users rated this application 4.1 on Google Play.

You are able to get the .apk installation package of Fastest Contact Caller Free 1.0.3 for free and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This file size doesn't exceed 65 KB and the app runs flawlessly on Android 2.2 and above. According to the antivirus report, the app is safe and secure.

Permissions required by Fastest Contact Caller Free v. 1.0.3

Those that potentially access the user's/ your sensitive information:
  • Access user's contacts
  • Activate a phone call with a dialer confirmation


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