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Another male is using my imo number but this number is mine so I am the legal owner of this number so I don't need any stranger call and sms to this number, so you take a legal action for this issue.
nokia n70 ke vabe imo usd korbo
It`s difficult to download on coolpad phones
Good app, good sound.
Review is good to be good
How to get deleted chat history in IMO?
Every document is saved very fast.
Good app.great sound
nothing downlord why
Imo free video call and chat
Please imo download kro
i like it nice
Vilage- Kondu post-Banchawali distic-Bulandshair state-Uttarpardash
i have a question when we use video call is our video call recorded?
Great quality and great sound.
No good voice and not clear voice. Why?
I got a question. What means the 2 winks when you send a message? Is it delivered?
No good voice and no clear videos.
I have also 2G network but video call is not going well.
How can I recover all my details like calls and texts? I need it.
How can I recover all my details like calls and texts? I need it urgently.
I have also 2G network but video call is not going good: no clear voice and video also. Please tell me the solution.
Please change the outgoing ringtone, this is very bad, our air is damaged.
Design break in my iPhone. It's a bug version. Need improvements in quality standards.
Thanks a lot! Get the latest version for IMO APK here.
Very good & useful app.
Need video calls.
Good application.
I am very happy.
I like to work.
It's very good.
It is good.
The service is excellent.
It's nice.
It's a good application.
It's a good app.
imo is very important for me because my Saudi family is in the Phillippines. I need it for my baby call and video for looking as I miss my mother and father. I'm sick now and at the hospital. I want to call and chat with my sister, too.
My mobile is not sport. Need imo 2.3.5.
This app is good for video calling shortly.
Good application.
Imo is very good for all over.
Does it work on Samsung Galaxy S Advance?
imo is good.
It's good and I want it.
It's very, very good.
That is good for our family to use imo video call. Its rate is 4.
No load Ace 2.
This version is not compatible with my device.
After updating, IMO is working in UAE. Please fix it.