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My Viber is working always.
Nice app for any country, it is free.
Great app & my favourite.
Install it in my phone.
l want to download Viber.
Great application.
I want to use this app.
On Viber, your phone number is your ID.
I am new here, please, I need help and I don't have ideas.
I want to chat with people I may know on Viber. How to use it?
it perfect and like it
Is there a voice changer?
I want to create an account.
I do not know what to do. Please help me.
Why is there an error?
High quality for the best option.
I love to call to India.
What's the purpose?
Excellent! Everyone can rely on it.
I think it's a very good app.
I've just seen it today. Can anyone tell me how it works, please?
I am so thrilled to have found this app: being able to just pick up my cell and call friends overseas is awesome! But there's a slight objection: my battery used to last 2 days, it now barely lasts a day - even when I am not actively making calls or sending texts. I will monitor my battery but if it continues to drain so quickly I will have to stop it from running.
This is a member of the Viber R&D Team!
Thank you for your feedback on our application and service. We are glad to hear about users' experiences.
Please feel free to let us know your thoughts, questions and comments, we'd be happy to assist.
the Viber Team
My wife will not be interested in the functions of the software. Its lilac interface will be enough for her to fall in love with it.