Meet new people, is easy, fun and free! Official App of the social network to meet people. Com with more than 2 million registered users. Meet people in your city, country or around the world, date, flirt, make new contacts, new friends or share your hobbies and interests. On Mobifriends you can find love and friendship with men or women.
The app was scanned for viruses and it was found 100% secure. MOBIFRIENDS has created Mobifriends that lies within the Dating category. The tool is for users aged 17 and older, it was rated 4.3 on Google Play.
Over 1M users downloaded and set up this application and the latest update was on Mar 28, 2019. Some in-app purchases and advertisements are included into the app. You can get the .apk installation package of Mobifriends 2.3.6 free of charge and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application size doesn't exceed 38 MB.