Congratulations, you've found what you're looking for! No fake! - only real profiles. No pay! - free, without additional obligatory payments. Real, live dating in Moscow, St. Petersburg and all other cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. We have 30 million real profiles. Tens of thousands of people are constantly online. 100% secure official app.
The tool is completely secure to download. This application was originally created by MyLove and it refers to the Dating category. The app is suitable for users aged 17 and older, it has the average rating 3.9 on Google Play.
MyLove was downloaded and installed by over 1M users and its most recent stable release was on Oct 17, 2020. Pay attention to the important moment: ads are a part of the tool and it offers in-app purchases. A lot of users set up this application on their Samsung and Lenovo devices.
Get the installer of MyLove 2.6.4 for free and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app runs on Android devices 4.1 and higher.
The way users see it, you can find such a disadvantage of the app as deceptive advertising.