김급식 [고등 전용 급식앱 & 포인트적립 앱]

김급식 [고등 전용 급식앱 & 포인트적립 앱]

10 MB
Requires Android:
4.1 and up
Oct 18, 2020

According to the antivirus report, the tool is safe and secure. 급식 developed this application that lies within the Educational category. The developer rolled out a new version of 김급식 on Oct 18, 2020 and over 1M users downloaded and set up the app.

The overall rating for the tool is 4.6 on Google Play. This application contains adverts. Samsung and LG users install the app quite often.

A free .apk file of 김급식 8.7.3 can be downloaded from Droid Informer and you can check out users' reviews on this site. Prepare 11 MB of free space on your device for this app setup package and keep in mind that it runs on Android 4.1 and higher.

Permissions required by 김급식 [고등 전용 급식앱 & 포인트적립 앱] v. 8.7.3

Those that potentially access the user's/ your sensitive information:
  • Get a network access to the approximate location
  • Get an access to the current location from the network-based resources
  • Access phone state without changing it
Commonly used:
  • Save files to external storage
  • Access data stored on external storage
  • Prevent device from going to sleep


Apps from 급식