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The iTutor app is very good and too fast. Good for people who want to study with technology. Really liked it
Aakash iTutor is a charm to modern education ! Now you can study at home though iTutor tablet and you can see a lecture multiple times as it is recorded. Its cost is also half the cost of Classroom education. One of the best indeed.
It is Indeed the Best education app . I love it because of its simplicity and high speed. Lectures are recorded and traveling time is saved!
The best Education app till now ! Amazing speed and recorded lectures.
I have enrolled for Aakash iTutor and its really helpful for me since there is no other institute nearby to my home. It’s really saving my traveling time and video lectures are very helpful. They have given me a tablet through which I study and I can hear lectures anytime. Before joining Aakash iTutor I was about to join classroom programme but Now I think that I have made right choice as I can study at my house itself