ACLS Mastery

ACLS Mastery

35 MB
Requires Android:
5.0 and up
Sep 26, 2020

Ace your ACLS with ACLS Mastery! Featuring over 430+ practice questions covering ECG rhythm identification, pharmacology, and practical application, ACLS Mastery gets you the score you need to get your ACLS and care for critical patients. Content is based on the latest ACLS and CPR Provider Guidelines from the AHA.

You can download the .apk installation package of ACLS Mastery 6.03.4493 for free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size doesn't exceed 26 MB and the app runs flawlessly on Android 5.0 and above. The antivirus report reveals that this application is completely safe. Higher Learning Technologies Inc is the developer of the tool that relates to the Educational category.

The latest update of ACLS Mastery was launched on Sep 26, 2020 and the app has been installed by over 50K users. Users rated this application 4 on Google Play. There are in-app purchases and ads in the tool.

Users write reviews stating that you can face useful features among the advantages of ACLS Mastery.


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