AllResultBD. Com is a most familiar & popular platform, a man can find his correct info easily and immediately. And Our all types' news is 100% correct. This is the official app of All Result BD for Android users. By Downloading ‘All Result BD' app, you can check your result & read Latest Education news in Bangladesh.
You can download the .apk setup package of All Result BD 1.1.0 free of charge and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size doesn't exceed 2 MB and the app runs flawlessly on Android 4.0 and higher. The antivirus report has confirmed that this application is totally safe for usage. The tool has been originally developed by Aminul Islam and it is related to the Educational category.
Over 100K users downloaded All Result BD and its latest update was released on May 3, 2016. Users rated the app 4.3 on Google Play. There are adverts in this application.
Samsung and Sony users download the tool quite often.