Amazing Pet Piano is specially designed for kids to have fun playing the piano and generate a lot laughter. Pet Piano is an interactive, engaging and funny app guaranteed to entertain your children. This app also has educational qualities to it and will help teach your child basic music skills.
TabTale is the developer of the app that can be found in the Educational category. Amazing Pet Piano has been downloaded and set up by over 10K users and the latest update was released on Jun 22, 2015. People rated the tool 3.4 on Google Play.
There are in-app purchases and adverts in this application. You can download the .apk setup package of Amazing Pet Piano 1.0.2 free of charge and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This file size doesn't exceed 18 MB and the app runs flawlessly on Android 4.0.3 and above. The security report reveals that the app is safe.