Backbone and related diseases, Back pain, joint pain, arthritis and hip pain, Diseases of the feet excrement, Measures to alleviate the irritation of urination, Akdhaht in the extremities of the remedy, Fenugreek beneficial for knee pain, bloody Bbasir use, Irritation of the extremities, other diseases, wounds, More sleep problems, thyroid treatment, Garlic beneficial in pain, leaving Srab measures, herpes, stutter, Sayns, appendicitis measures, measures to overcome the lack of blood, Diseases of the skin, cut out the wound to stop bleeding, pneumonia, Diabetes to remove skin diseases Nukse, obesity, Jaundice, jaundice baby panacea people, white stain, epilepsy, Treatment of dengue, winter cold and fever experiment, dizziness, From stomach to chest diseases, ulcers, Home remedy for stomach ulcers, indigestion
The antivirus report shows that the tool is totally safe for usage. Ahil Sultan is the creator of this application that can be found in the Educational category. The most recent update of Balkrishan was launched on Sep 9, 2016 and the app has been set up by over 100K users.