This Application contains over 3000 "Chemical Terms" along with their Scientific Definitions. It is very helpful to the chemistry student. The app allow you to search chemistry terms and see the definition for the same. A simple app designed as a quick reference for chemistry students. The Application will cover dictionary terms from following topics. Atomic Structure.
This application has been scanned for viruses and it has been found completely safe. Aaditya Apps is the creator of the app that is listed among the Educational category. Over 50K users set up Chemistry Dictionary and its latest update was launched on Jan 1, 2016.
According to the latest info, the tool is rated 4.3 on Google Play. This application contains adverts. The statistics demonstrate that the app is popular mostly among Samsung and LG users.
Use the opportunity to download the .apk setup package of Chemistry Dictionary 1.0.6 for free and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installation package requires 3 MB on disk and it runs on Android devices 2.3 and higher.