Explore the Ares 3 site on Mars from Andy Weir's "The Martian" in virtual reality! Data from HiRISE - NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. Rendered by RAVE - Aiden Lab Developed by Muhammad Shamim & Marie Hoeger. Music - Pale Blue Dot by Stellardrone. Excerpt below from article by Alfred McEwen.
This download is completely safe. MarsroVR was originally designed by Rave and it is listed among the Educational category. Over 100 users set up the tool and the latest update was launched on Oct 7, 2015.
This application has the average rating 4 on Google Play. Take the opportunity to download the installer of marsroVR 1.0 for free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app is designed for Android 4.4 and above.