Enter different values to understand the product of two binomials. Try cases where some variable have the same value than another one. Think about the case where a = c and b = d. Then select the option PROBLEM You have different options in the menu. The square of helps you to understand the square of a binomial.
Antonio Luis Climent Albaladejo is the creator of the app which belongs to the Educational category. The developer released a new version of the tool on Dec 26, 2016 and over 1K users downloaded and set up Multiplying binomials. The overall rating for this application is 2.6 on Google Play.
Take the opportunity to get the setup package of Multiplying binomials 2.0 for free and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app is designed for Android 4.0.3 and higher. This download is totally secure.