Saami Sir Physics Class is one of the popular Education located in Shri Nagar, Rathod Complex, Nanded listed under Education, Saami Sir Classes are best Physics Class in Nanded and around. This application is useful for class students and their parents as well.
The antivirus report reveals that Saami Sir's Physics Classes is safe. The tool is created by Kapil and Kalpak Bhosale and its category is Educational. The overall user rating of this application is 4.2.
The latest update was on Sep 13, 2020 and the app was downloaded and installed by over 1K users. A free .apk file of Saami Sir's Physics Classes 1.3 is available from Droid Informer and you can take a look at users' reviews on this site. Prepare 2 MB of free space on your device for this app installer and take into account that it requires Android 5.0 and above.