Spectrum as the word itself signifies is the coverage of the concepts, characteristics, etc of any subject or topic in the widest possible manner. And Arihant is back with its popular Mathematics Spectrum to provide wide coverage of the concepts covered under the Biology syllabi for various national and regional medical entrance examinations.
Magzter Inc. developed Spectrum Biology that lies within the Educational category. The tool was downloaded and installed by over 5K users and the most recent stable update was on Oct 2, 2020. According to the latest information, this application is rated 3.7 on Google Play.
You can get the .apk installation package of Spectrum Biology 5.2 for free and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size doesn't exceed 11 MB and the app can be launched flawlessly on Android 4.1 and higher. The app has been scanned for viruses and it has been found totally safe.