Children's Animation series: Pikkuli is now available as fun games! Play together with Woody and the Chicks! Mrs. Hazel Grouse's little chicks and their choir needs guidance with their singing! Take the role of an orchestra conductor and make them tweet! Tapping or holding makes chicks chirp and each chick has their own assigned note to sing.
It's safe to download the app. Pikkuli - Band is created by Pikkuli Games - Aittokoski Experience Ltd and its category is Education Games. On Google Play, the game was rated 4.4 by its users.
Over 50 users downloaded and set up this application and its most recent release was on Sep 8, 2020. You are able to download the setup package of Pikkuli - Band 1.42 free of charge and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app runs on Android 4.1 and above.