LECRE Inc. is the creator of this application that is related to the Entertainment category. The app has been downloaded and set up by over 100K users and the most recent update was released on Feb 19, 2019. On Google Play, LINEで送れる「デコレ&絵文字DX」~ラインスタンプ 無料でプレゼント有!! has been rated 3.8 by its users.
Some in-app purchases and advertisements are included into this application. Download the installer of LINEで送れる「デコレ&絵文字DX」~ラインスタンプ 無料でプレゼント有!! 6.0 that is provided for free and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app is designed for Android 4.0 and above. The download of the app doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware.