Pay with your phone, earn points, and redeem exclusive member deals with the Beachfront Hotel. Earn 10 loyalty points for every $1 you spend at Beachfront Hotel. With mobile payment support, you can purchase exclusive in-app offers and pay in-store with your phone; No cash, no long ATM lines and no lost cards. It's safe, secure and simple.
LOKE loyalty apps is the developer of the app that belongs to the Entertainment category. Over 1K users installed Beachfront Hotel and its latest update was launched on Jan 5, 2019. Users rated this application 4.7 on Google Play.
Download the installer of Beachfront Hotel 5.17.3 for free and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app runs on Android devices 5.0 and higher. The app is totally secure for downloading.