BLW Lyrics is a unique compilation of the inspiring lyrics of the songs of our talented music ministers. Now you can go beyond the melody of the songs to being blessed by the exact words and thoughts communicated through these songs. You can also request for songs to be uploaded. Our paperless Song book is here! Our praise & worship experience just got upgraded!
The app has been checked for viruses and it has been found completely safe. BLW Lyrics is developed by Most Valuable Application and its category is Entertainment. This application has been rated 4.7 on Google Play.
The most recent update of BLW Lyrics was released on Dec 31, 2013 and the app has been set up by over 10K users. There are adverts in this application. Samsung and Acer users download the app quite often.
It's free to download the .apk setup package of BLW Lyrics and you can read users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installer requires 4 MB of free space to run on Android 2.2 and higher.