Burp Button Sounds HD

Burp Button Sounds HD

2.3 MB
Requires Android:
3.0 and up
May 10, 2017
Latest version:
All versions
Free Download

Funny sounds! You can use Burp Button Soundboard to prank your friends, parents, teachers, everyone. They will hear a burping or belching sound and won't know were it came from. You can choose between 8 different burping sounds, including the Super-Burp! Best soundboard on the playstore and completely free to use!

According to the antivirus report, Burp Button Sounds HD doesn't contain viruses or any kind of malware. HG Mobile Apps has created this application that falls into the Entertainment category. On Google Play, the app is rated 3.6 by its users.

The most recent update of this application was launched on May 10, 2017 and Burp Button Sounds HD was downloaded by over 50K users. There are adverts in the app. Download the free .apk setup package of Burp Button Sounds HD 1.3 and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The installer occupies 2 MB on disk and it can be launched on Android devices 3.0 and higher.

Permissions required by Burp Button Sounds HD v. 1.3

Permissions rarely used in Entertainment:
  • Create a shortcut in Launcher


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