Stream the world's largest anime library. Watch over 1000 titles - from past seasons to new episodes fresh from Japan, including critically acclaimed Crunchyroll Originals.
Download the free .apk file of Crunchyroll 1.1.9 and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This installation package occupies 5 MB on disk. The antivirus report shows that the app is completely safe for usage. This application was originally created by Ellation, LLC and it is included in the Entertainment category.
The most recent release was on Mar 21, 2019 and Crunchyroll was downloaded and installed by over 10M users. The app is suitable for users aged 14 and older, people rated it 3.2 on Google Play. Take into account ads and in-app purchases while installing this application.
The statistics demonstrate that Crunchyroll is popular mostly among Samsung and LG users.
According to the users’ reviews, there are several pluses, they are an easy UI, a good price and additional functionality. Some users highlight that the weak sides of the app are server issues, screen freezes, poor performance, lots of ads and unwanted notifications.