Dear Zindagi is an upcoming Indian comedy drama film directed by Gauri Shinde and produced by Gauri Khan, Karan Johar, and Gauri Shinde under the banners of Red Chillies Entertainment, Dharma Productions, and Hope Productions respectively. It stars an ensemble cast of Alia Bhatt, Ira Dubey, Kunal Kapoor, Ali Zafar, Angad Bedi and Shah Rukh Khan.
This download is totally safe. This application is created by Sony Music India and its category is Entertainment. The app has the overall rating 4.4 on Google Play.
Over 50K users downloaded and set up Dear Zindagi Movie Songs and the most recent update was on Feb 16, 2018. There are advertisements in this application. Get the installer of Dear Zindagi Movie Songs 1.2 that is free of charge and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app is built for Android 4.0.3 and above.