This application Famous phrases and proverbs is created for those people who want to find famous quotes and famous reflections, made by people throughout history. With this application Famous phrases and proverbs you will always have at hand on your Smartphone, or any other device with Android operating system.
The app is completely safe to download. AppsJRLL is the creator of Famous phrases and proverbs which is related to the Entertainment category. The latest update of the app was launched on Aug 31, 2019 and this application has been set up by over 1K users.
Famous phrases and proverbs is developed for users aged 14 and older, its average score is 3 on Google Play. Advertisements are a part of this application. Get the setup package of Famous phrases and proverbs 1.08 that is free and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app is developed for Android 4.0.3 and above.