Fancy Signature Maker allows you to make a signature from text and additionally signature from handwriting or paint. Which is meant for the purpose of entertainment and customization. Fancy Signature Maker are NOT meant for any sort of legitimate use (You may NOT utilize them to sign your value load, payday advance, loan and so on so forth).
Fancy Signature Maker is developed by PlaySmartApps and its category is Entertainment. The latest update of the app was launched on Oct 1, 2020 and this application was downloaded by over 100K users. Users rated Fancy Signature Maker 3.5 on Google Play.
There are ads in this application. Get the .apk installation package of Fancy Signature Maker 1.07 that is completely free and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application setup package requires 8 MB to be successfully installed. The app is designed for Android 4.1 and above. According to the antivirus report, the app is safe and secure.
In users’ view, this application possesses such a drawback as many advertisements.