Free-to-air TV wherever you may be. Freeview FV delivers live streaming from 19 free-to-air channels and catch-up content to enjoy on the go. Freeview FV delivers all these great features: Live streaming from all the free-to-air networks. Access to all catch-up TV. Browse and search all free-to-air programs. A free-to-air TV guide. Favourites and reminders functions.
Freeview FV is totally secure for downloading. Freeview Australia Limited is the developer of this application that can be found in the Entertainment category. The app has been downloaded and set up by over 0,5M users and the most recent update was released on Sep 27, 2018.
Freeview FV is suitable for users aged 14 and older, it has the average rating 3 on Google Play. Advertisements are a part of this application. Download the setup package of Freeview FV 1.3.20 that is completely free and take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app runs flawlessly on Android 4.2 and above.
Some users say that you can find a great layout among the advantages of the app. According to the users’ reviews, there are some disadvantages, they are network issues, poor performance, many ads and screen freezes.