Mingalar Application is the movie listing application for Mingalar Cinemas, including Mingalar, Shae Saung, Thwin, Nay Pyi Daw, etc. It contains the current movies showing at the cinemas, the upcoming movies and the theater information. Download this application for free and please remark if you have any inconvenient error or suggestion for us.
The security report indicates that this application is totally safe. Bagan Innovation Technology has created the app that falls into the Entertainment category. The most recent release was on Nov 21, 2012 and Mingalar Cinemas was downloaded and installed by over 10K users.
Users rated this application 4 on Google Play. The statistics demonstrate that the app is popular mostly among Samsung and Sony users. Download the .apk file of Mingalar Cinemas 1.0 for free and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. This setup package occupies 2 MB on disk and it works flawlessly on Android 1.6 and higher.
In users’ view, you can find a bad user interface among the drawbacks of the app.