My Baby

My Baby

Babsy at the Beach 3D
77 MB
Requires Android:
4.4 and up
Sep 28, 2020
Latest version:
All versions
Free Download

Meet Babsy the Talking Baby at the beach. Talk with her and she will repeat everything you say and respond to your touch. Spend a great time with Babsy and her fun activities. Give Babsy an ice cream, or make her play with the ball to cheer her up. Enjoy dressing her up with different swimming suits and remember to give her some fruit to eat if she is hungry.

You are able to get the .apk installation package of My Baby 1.0 free of charge and read users' reviews on Droid Informer. The file size doesn't exceed 62 MB and the app runs flawlessly on Android 4.4 and above. The antivirus report reveals that this application is completely safe. Kaufcom Games Apps Widgets is the creator of My Baby that can be found in the Entertainment category.

The most recent update of the app was released on Sep 28, 2020 and this application has been installed by over 1M users. On Google Play, My Baby was rated 4.3 by its users. There are in-app purchases and ads in the app.

This application is often downloaded by Samsung and Acer users.

Users leave reviews saying that the weak side of My Baby is many ads.

Permissions required by My Baby v. 1.0

Those that potentially access the user's/ your sensitive information:
  • Access microphone


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