Real Talking Dinosaur is here to listen to everything you say and repeat in Dinosaur voice for your entertainment, Dancing Dinosaur to dance for you and Roaring Dinosaur to entertain you. Real Talking Dinosaur has following features: 1. Talking Dinosaur - Talking Dinosaur listens to everything you and talks back to you in Dinosaur voice.
The app has been checked for viruses and it has been found completely safe. Dexati is the developer of Real Talking Dinosaur that can be found in the Entertainment category. The overall score for this application is 4.1 on Google Play.
The most recent update was on Jun 18, 2017 and the app was downloaded and set up by over 100K users. It's free of charge to download the .apk setup package of Real Talking Dinosaur and you can take a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. This application installer requires 6 MB of free space to run on Android 2.3.3 and above.