Charge your phone's battery anywhere, quickly, hands-on, free and wireless. Show the new fantastic functionality of your mobile phone to your friends and surprise them. Characteristics: Shows the intensity of sunlight at each moment; - Shows the charging speed of the battery; - Shows the battery status; - Detects when there is a failure to receive sunlight.
The app is totally safe for downloading. Solar Battery Charger Prank is designed by and its category is Entertainment. The average score for this application is 3.5 on Google Play.
The most recent update of Solar Battery Charger Prank was released on Oct 21, 2018 and the app has been set up by over 1K users. This application shows advertisements. Download the installation package of Solar Battery Charger Prank 2.1 that is free and check out users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app is built for Android 4.0 and above.